Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Getting off the wagon

I am something of a fantasy sports junkie - though nowhere near as far gone as my friend Drew Loftis. But, I've made a decision today...

I'm not playing in an NBA league this year. Nope, not going to do it. I don't put in the proper research, I can't think of a local group I can join and I just don't have the time to devote to it.

Besides, I suck at it anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But dude, you sucked at fantasy football, too, and you still did it!

Heh heh...

7:50 PM  
Blogger Randy Capps said...

That's not nice...

12:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

28 fantasy football teams. Zero (0) fantasy basketball teams. I'm with you Randy.


10:57 PM  
Blogger Randy Capps said...

Amen brother. Nice fantasy site, by the way. I'll get around to posting a link for it one of these days...

12:15 AM  
Blogger Randy Capps said...

Amen brother. Nice fantasy site, by the way. I'll get around to posting a link for it one of these days...

12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The NBA should not even be considered a real sport. I quit playing this year as well.

6:15 PM  

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