Friday, October 13, 2006

Welcome to Henderson

My column in Saturday's Daily Dispatch:

It’s been an interesting first week for me here in
Henderson. My family and I have found a few
good places to eat, we’re almost wired up at
home for Internet and there is now only a few
hundred things to do to get the house ready to
live in - as opposed to the the number that was
in place a few days ago.
I’ve found my way to Northern Vance and
Kerr-Vance Academy, learned a thing or two
about volleyball stat keeping and navigated my
way out to Carver Elementary a few times.
This is a big change for me, not only from a
community standpoint, but from a coverage
aspect as well. In Shelby, football is king. Here,
it seems, the prep sporting world is more of a
Just days into my new life using a Mac, running
a sports desk and living in Eastern North
Carolina, lets break things down by the
0 - The number of times I’ve had Eastern-style
barbeque or the number of rude people I’ve met
here so far
1 - The number of soccer matches I’ve staffed in
2 - Volleyball matches I’ve covered in 2006
3 - Attempts it took for my wife to find the street
on which we live or the meals people have
brought to our home to welcome us to the area
4 - Number of e-mails I’ve had time to answer
while getting a crash course on the sports
scene in Vance County
5 - Times I’ve asked Brendan, Ashley or Mike a
stupid question this week
6 - Times people not from here have suggested
places in Henderson for me to try as eating
7 - Days I’ve been a Henderson resident
8 - Minutes it takes for me to get my laptop
working so I can read Netzero messages at
9 - Meetings I’ve not had here that I would have
had in the same time frame in my last job
10 - Times I’ve considered tossing my
cellphone out the window since I moved here
(Apparently, Verizon doesn’t work well here)
27 - Age my lovely wife, Shanna, will turn on
35 - Degrees it will be before I get the gas
turned on at home
38 - Degrees it will be before we crank up the
52 - Number of times people mistaked
Henderson for Hendersonville when I told them
I was moving
53 - Number of times I followed that up with the
Cracker Barrell story
76 - The year I was born or the number of
“Blue’s Clues” videos my son owns
100 - How sure I am that I’m in the right place
All jokes aside, my family and I have enjoyed our
brief time here. Everyone we’ve met has been
warm and welcoming, and everyone has gone
out of their way to make us feel right at home.
Professionally, I readily admit that I have plenty
to learn about covering sports in Vance County. I
plan on learning it, and learning it quickly.
Bringing you the readers the best sports
coverage possible is the goal, and we’re aiming
for it.
Thanks for rolling out the welcome mat. You
won’t regret it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gotta be kiddin' eastern barbecue yet? Eastern BBQ rocks!
So get out there and eat some.

11:36 PM  
Blogger Randy Capps said...

I'm working up to it. Honest.

12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck to ya Capps. Come on back anytime and check out some good ole fashioned Cleveland County Football and Bridges BBQ.


Oh, and I thought you were heading to the mountains too until Mr Foster told me otherwise.

4:12 PM  
Blogger Randy Capps said...

For a split second when I first read the job ad on ncpress, I did too...

It's pretty nice here. It'll be even better when I get the heat turned on at home.


7:38 AM  
Blogger Randy Capps said...

Blosser? How's it going? How about those Mountaineers?

Too bad they will probably go undefeated and still miss out on the BCS title game.

Playoff, anyone?

7:53 AM  
Blogger Randy Capps said...

Good luck on your first day in Shelby. I'm sure the Cleveland County sports scene will be in fine hands.


1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... don't you go gettin' famous like K.M.Wahoo!!!!!

Thanks for the fair reporting and best of luck in your job.


p.s. I've seen you peekin' around the NCPreps.........shouldn't you be workin'??????

7:21 AM  
Blogger Randy Capps said...

Working? Heck no...

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Capps -- congrats on the new gig. I know you're going to do a great job in Vance County.

But Western BBQ is still the best -- and I've been here four years!!!

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't belive the Verizon comment.. That was wrong...
Guess who?
Plus, your wife never came by to get her phone looked at before you left!!! We miss you guys!!

11:12 PM  

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