Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"I wanna go fast"

Got an e-mail today from our webmaster, reminding us of the importance of updating the blogs. So, in the spirit of compliance, here's my take on "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby."

This movie rocks.

I took my lovely wife to see it in Fayetteville last week after driving around that city for the better part of an hour looking for a theatre. We'll save the vacation driving stories for a later column.

Anyway, I was sort of worried that:

A. All the funny parts were in the previews

B. My bride, usually not a fan of slap-stick comedy, wouldn't like it

Well, as it turns out, it was C.

We both loved it.

Will Ferrell was great. Funny from start to finish. He was so good, I almost feel the need to backtrack and watch "Anchorman" and "Old School." I don't want to spoil the movie for you, but there's a scene where he's praying at the dinner table that's just classic.

All the supporting actors were solid as well. Gary Cole as Ricky's daddy, Reese Bobby, and John C. Reilly as Ricky's friend and teammate Cal Noughton Jr. stand out.

It's a movie that doesn't pretend to be a NASCAR biopic - it's funny and doesn't try to be much else.

It's well worth the money, but not exactly for the youngsters (PG-13).


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