Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It's in the game

EA Sports has released NCAA Football 2007, and as usual, it delivers top-notch college football action to a gaming console near you.

For me, it's the PS2 (as I wait for the PS3 to hit stores later this year). Just for fun, I looked up some of our local kids and checked out their stats to see how much love the designers gave them.

Here's the breakdown:

Brandon Spikes - As far as I can tell, he's not in the game for Florida. Horrible omission. Ditto for Tavorris Jolly, Andy Barbee and Ulysses Tuft (no shock there as academy freshmen are never in these games).
Troy Goss - In a dead heat with Brian Hampton for the Navy QB job. Good stats, and a better fit if you're passing a lot.
Keenan Little - Starting at corner with good stats for the Middies.
Van Eskridge - Didn't get much dap from EA. Pretty low stats.
Josh Briscoe - Third WR for Tennessee, pretty good numbers.
Jermaine Strong - Reserve corner for the Tar Heels. Numbers aren't great.

Game quick hitters
Likes - The momentum meter is fun, if it's in your favor. The offensive controls are easy to pick up and there is a huge variety of playbooks to choose from.
Dislikes - The kicking game is almost impossible and the close-up view on punt and kick returns makes it hard to spring a big return.

Basically, if you've liked the past games, this one will suit you fine. This one's fine, but I liked last year's game better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simply put: Richard Walker is THE MAN. Thanks for posting this, Randy.

9:17 AM  

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