Monday, May 08, 2006

The wrath of the Pack

The fastest way for a sportswriter to get an e-mail inbox full of letters is to write anything - good, bad or indifferent - about N.C. State.

My column in Monday's Star ( has generated a ton of response, most of which is in firm disagreement with my stand that the recent hire of Sidney Lowe was not the best direction for the program to take.

Some of my favorites include:

"If you would look at the person and not the coach; you would see that Sidney Lowe has as much or more true substance than any coach. That substance in the long haul will show people like you what's really important to young kids. Just curious, how much recruiting have you done?"

"What would you know about style?"

"So, to stick with Sendek when in fact he had ten years to prove himself and
failed to do so is an exercise in insanity. (Doing the same thing and
expecting a different outcome.) To fail to address these issues is a
dereliction of duty and could not continue. So a change was necessary.
You may not think highly of the choice, but many of us who know Sid do."

"This really is one of the poorest, shallowest columns I've ever read. Lest you think I am a shallow Wolfpack fan, my journalism degree is from UNC. Have you done any research on the history of Wolfpack basketball? Do you realize this is a marquee program with an illustrious history and some of the smartest fans in the country? Were you raised in a turnip patch? Do you also realize that Sidney Lowe is associate head coach for the Detroit Pistons? Do you realize that he was the floor general on the national championship squad and that other coaches have been predicating since that time, that he would make a fabulous coach. Of course he has areas of growth, but come on. This is a grudge piece and nothing more."

"I am not sure why you and others were so enamored with a coach that could only claim superiority over Carl Tacy in accomplishments for coaches who were in the ACC at least ten years. Obviously you never had to endure 20+ games a year of Herb's slow death offense. Excitement and passion have returned to the Wolfpack Nation. Sidney will have to produce in the long run (which I believe he will). But for now he is a breath of fresh air and it is exhilarating. Go Pack!!!!"

This came from a friend of mine...

"if Sidney can show up with a little more juice to his "pitch" than Herbie had, then isn't it a little better than what we had (or at the worst, an even trade)? It's not like we were trading recruiting victories over UNC for an unproven commodity or something ... I didn't realize you were cut from the Gregg Doyel/Seth Davis/Jim Rome cloth ..."

Ouch, that hurt...

And the only person who agreed with me that wrote in:

"couldn't agree with you more. time will tell."

Well, there had to be somebody...

I love the passion that drives State fans. They live and die with their school, and you can't help but respect that. Still, I'm not among those that believe that the glory days are coming back to Raleigh.

One thing's for sure. The Sidney Lowe era will be far from boring.


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