Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Talkin' Tiki

I used to like Tiki Barber.

Really, I did. I always admired him for his talent, his commitment to his family, his work for charitable causes and his overall persona as an all-around good guy.

Apparently, the man is a bit of a glory hound as well.

I respect his decision to walk away from the NFL in his prime. It's his body, he owes no explanation for that. It's what he's done since then that's shifted my outlook on him.

He's got a book coming out, "Tiki: My Life in the Game and Beyond," and to say that he's going out of his way to promote it would be a bit of an understatement.

After an offseason where he took a shot at Giants' quarterback and former teammate Eli Manning, calling it "comical" when Manning tried to assume more of a leadership role, Barber took dead aim at his former coach, Tom Coughlin, and the Giants' organization in the new literary effort.

In excerpts from the book released recently, Barber writes, "If Tom Coughlin had not remained as head coach of the Giants, I might still be in a Giants uniform. (Coughlin) robbed me of what had been one of the most important things I had in my life, which was the joy I felt playing football."

I know that Coughlin isn't in line for any congeniality awards - the guy has the personality of a dustpan - but whining about the coach and using his as an excuse for retiring? I expect more out of an NFL player.

Tiki's a talking head now, so I guess his new lot in life to shoot off his mouth and try to make an impact.

But as far as his life in the NFL goes, I have only one thing to say.

Don't go away mad. Just go away.


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