Saturday, July 21, 2007

On Becks and Vick

In Sunday's Dispatch...

I wrote a column a few days ago, but there’s too much going on this weekend for me to pass up the chance to get my opinion out there.
What can I say? It’s a sickness.
So, David Beckham with his former Spice Girl wife in tow, has jumped the Atlantic and started a career with the Los Angeles Galaxy in Major League Soccer.
In true “Pardon the Interruption” style, is it a big deal, little deal or no deal?
A true soccer fan will tell you that, while Beckham is masterful on free kicks and passes with the skill and grace of a ballroom dancer, he’s got no left foot and only uses his head for his fancy hats.
Still, the guy is a star in the “football” world. An art exhibition in Japan a few years ago featured video footage of Becks sleeping. It drew massive crowds and snarled traffic.
The man brings credibility to a league that needs it and adds a little bling to the American soccer culture.
Will he spark the same sort of fervor he experienced at Manchester United or Real Madrid? I doubt it. But this is a big deal.
Need proof?
When’s the last time you saw a MLS game in the middle of the lead sports page with the biggest picture?
Yes, there is a first time for everything. We’ll see if it’s the last.
Speaking of waiting and watching, the word trouble seems woefully inadequate to describe the situation in which Michael Vick has found himself.
The NFL’s highest paid player was indicted by a federal grand jury this week for alleged connections to dog fighting — setting the stage for a court battle that could lighten his wallet by hundreds of thousands of dollars, end his NFL career and land him in prision for several years.
I’ll say this. I have no idea whether he’s guilty or innocent. I think he deserves his day in court.
What’s of more immediate concern to sports fans is his future in Atlanta.
I seriously doubt the man will take a snap this year. Right now, he’s kyrptonite.
If you’re the Falcons, you can’t have him — and the traveling media cirus that will follow — at training camp when it opens Thursday.
You can’t have Bobby Petrino starting every afternoon press conference with the Vick update.
You can’t have the distraction to the team, him darting in and out for court appearances and opposing stadiums playing “Who Let the Dogs Out” on the P.A. system when the Falcons come to town.
I think you’ll see him take a leave of absense to deal with his legal issues where he’ll ultimately be judged in a court of law — rather than by the NFL in the court of public opinion.
The NFL isn’t touching this with a 10-foot pole. Roger Goodell and the league office can’t afford to act now and risk the embarassment of Vick not being convicted.
They’re content to wait and watch it play out.
Just like the rest of us.

Contact the writer at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bonds will be indicted in September for perjury. Vick has a dog fighting ring. Beckham is wasting his time. The NBA has referees that gamble and shave points. Baseball has steroids! The NFL has Tank Johnson, Pacman Jones, and the Bengals. Professional wrestling is a joke! Many college football programs have gang bangers and problems (Minnesota dismissed four players two days ago)! Track, olympics, and cycling have major blood doping issues. Rick Tochett and Gretzky's wife had a gambling racket going! When will it end? The money has done nothing but continue to corrupt the sports...even high school sports have had drug problems...look at Jameison Curry out of Alamance County!

10:10 PM  
Blogger Randy Capps said...

Somebody's a bit cranky...

Everything you wrote is true. However, it's important to remember moments like Jason McElwain suiting up and scoring 20 in his only high school game or Cal Ripken breaking the consecutive games streak to balance out the garbage you were referring to.

Here's a peice of advice: when sports gets you down, go younger. Go watch kids play a pick-up game of football or basketball. It helps me remember why I fell in love with sports in the first place.

Thanks for reading.

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of sports younger, do you think S Vance will be able to win consistently in the playoffs now that there coach left for "football challenged" Granville County? He did win 7 playoff games in 4 years. I think SV won 1 playoff game in history before he got there. What's your take on football in this area in general?

6:45 PM  
Blogger Randy Capps said...

I think for this year at least, they'll be fine. When Pugh leaves we'll find out what kind of program depth and deverlopment the Raiders really have.

Football here is not nearly as good as it could be. Of course, I'm spoiled from working in Cleveland County (Shelby, Crest and Burns) for all those years. Athlete for athlete, there's no difference from here to there. The gap in fan support, facilities and overall coaching (from Pee Wee on up) is striking.

For example, On Aug. 17 Southern will open the regular season with Hillside (I think). Cleveland County will hold a preseason jamboree that will feature four two-quarter live scrimmages with Burns, Crest, Shelby and Kings Mountain.

One will draw 2,000 fans while the other will draw closer to 8,000.

Guess which is which.

It can happen here, but it can't - and won't - happen over night.

Thanks for reading...

10:22 AM  

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