Sunday, November 20, 2005

Another mandatory update

Anytime my wife checks my blog and tells me there's nothing new on it, it's time to do some updating...

So here are a few random thoughts from the weekend:

So you wanna be a sportswriter? I worked 24.5 hours on Friday and Saturday, covering a high school football game in Asheville, a college game at Gardner-Webb and assisting in the design of 10 pages worth of sports section for the weekend editions. I'm back in here on Sunday night working again, and I missed....

The biggest game in the history of Gardner-Webb basketball, the road trip to the Dean Dome. My apologies to the NAIA glory days, but college basketball games don't come any bigger than this one. The fact that the Bulldogs were even competitive excites me. I'm not sure I could have handled it if they actually would have won. I like the way my buddy Matt Webber put it. It proved that GWU is a little better than everyone thought, and it also proved that UNC still has some work to do.

The Crest defense was outstanding Friday night, flying around on the magic carpet up at A.C. Reynolds. I have to say, though, the post game taunting from the Chargers, especially the basketball shooting motions directed to the fans, was very un-Crest like. After four state titles in 11 years, winning should be old hat by now. Coach Kirby didn't like it either, as he ripped the team for the display in the post-game huddle.

To all my South Carolina-loving friends (read: Brad)...


Go Tigers...

If I don't update again before Thursday, have a great Thanksgiving.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Randy...I was really hoping GWU would pull off the upset. You don't think the 'Dogs thought UNC would call a timeout and weren't ready for the 3-pointer, do you?

As for the Chargers -- nothing warms my heart more! I love the fact that folks across the state had given up on Crest but Roy Kirby and the boys know how to break a heart or two, don't they?

Good luck to Chris Norman and the Golden Lions on Friday, too. Cleveland County football -- there's nothing like it in the state.

2:56 PM  
Blogger Randy Capps said...

Hanks - I was thinking the same thing. And how 'bout the Bulldogs dusting ECU in Greenville? Shelby and Crest will indeed be tough outs in the postseason.

Brad - Spoken like a true Gamecock fan.

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The basketball thing after the game came from the fact that the Crest players had gotten hold of picture off of the net. It was the sign in front of Reynolds that stated "Crest It's a Long Ride Back. Get Out The Basketballs" Now some say the sign was a fake, but try telling that to 16 and 17 year old kids after playing in such a hard fought game and being told that you had no chance. I agree that I didn't like it as well, but Crest gets the poor mouth put on them all of the time by opposing people about how low class they are, but never address their own shortcomings. Just ask one of the Crest coaches that had and AC player tell him to "Suck his ****." There were things being said through out the game by both sides. The end of the game was just another part of it. Again, I agree about the Crest part, but Reynolds needs to be held in that same regard.

11:38 AM  
Blogger Randy Capps said...

Well, I never said that Reynolds was showing class. I'm sure they played a role in that nonsense as well. Still, you have to be better than that.

That said, it was a big win for Crest. It came as no surprise to me, though (I think I had 21-7 in The Star).

Sorry to hear you guys are on tape delay Friday night, but I guess GWU pays the bills...

Get me a picture so you can pick the games in two weeks...

10:28 PM  

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