Wednesday, June 22, 2005

A strange year for legion ball

I'm going to regret asking this question, but here goes:

Can this year get any stranger for American Legion Baseball?

So far this year in Area IV, there's been:

1. A five-game suspension for Shelby's Mike Grayson for a fight with a Garner coach at a tournament in Chapel Hill.

2. Forfeits by two teams - Kings Mountain and McDowell - for using ineligible players.

3. A forfeit by Huntersville for forgetting to show up for a game.

My friend Richard Walker calls this "the cloak and dagger stuff that damages the way people view legion baseball." He's dead right.

American Legion Baseball does a lot of good things for kids, but incidents like this one foster ill-will among fans in the region.

I hope that the rest of the year's news from legion baseball stems from activity between the lines, and not outside of them.


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