Friday, April 01, 2005

Well heeled

Nobody dislikes the university of North Carolina more than me. As a South Carolina native and a Clemson fan, I have absolutely no reason to cheer for the baby blues.

Somebody asked me last month: "Who do you root for when Duke and Carolina play?" My retort: "It's too bad they both can't lose."

With that piece of trivia on display, here's the short version of my column in Saturday's Star:

The Heels are the best team in college basketball.


They will flatten Michigan State in the Final Four before dispatching Illinois or Louisville (probably the latter) on Monday in the national championship game.

Then people will have to think of a new question to ask Roy Williams, because "Gee, why haven't you won a national championship" just won't apply any longer.

Of course, then we'll have to deal with a year's worth of amped-up Tar Heel arrogance and Blue Devil angst. Not to mention Deacon and Wolfpack envy.

You've gotta love life as a fan of the Big Four.

Unless, of course, it's football season...


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